Confucius Memorial Ceremony


孔子是中國歷史上最著名 的思想家、教育家、文學家、哲學家和政治家,也是舉世公認的世界歷史文化名人。他的思想 和學說極大的影響了中華民族并豐富了中華文化,對于中華文化的傳承與發展有巨大的貢獻。

在文學上,孔子整理成書我國第一部傳世文學作品《詩經》。「問渠哪得清如許,為由源 頭活水來」孔子整理的《詩經》和他的試論,就是兩千五百多年來中國文學的「源頭活水」。

在史學上,孔子是中國第一部史書《春秋》的作者。《春秋》僅有 16000 餘字卻記載了近 250 年的歷史,通過把歷史的原始記錄改編成歷史著作,創立了真正意義上的中國史學。從而 奠定了此後兩千多年來中國史學發展的基礎。

在哲學上,孔子改造了《易經》,使《易經》從當時人們以卜卦為主而引導為「觀其德 義」的哲學層面。

在道德上,孔子提出了「温、良、恭、儉、讓」和「君子喻於義,小人喻於利」,「敬老 尊賢」,「己所不欲,勿施於人」走「中庸之道」和「與人為善」的道德標準,提升了中華民 族的民族素質。

在政治上,孔子提出執政者要施「仁政」,「仁者愛人」,「君子謀道不謀食,君子憂道 不憂貧」等為政之道。並提倡「講信修睦」使中華民族自歷史上就具有了重信用,追求和諧社 會從而獲得「禮儀之邦」的美譽。

綜觀孔子的思想和學說,雖然經過了 2500 餘年,但至今仍有強大的生命力,也是放之四海 而皆準的真理。這使我們不僅對他的學說推崇備至,也深為中華民族有這位偉人而自豪。願我 們向著把他的思想和學說推廣到全美的目標而繼續努力並堅持到底,以造福於人類社會。


Confucius is the most famous educator, philosopher and politician in Chinese history. Even though he died more than 2500 years ago, his philosophy and theory have had a large effect on the Chinese. It has also enriched Chinese culture. In education, he advocated that people have equal opportunity whether rich or poor. In morality, he advocated that everyone should respect teachers and elders to build a harmonious society. In politics, he advocated that the people are always more important than the authorities and that the governor should execute ordinances with kindness. Since Confucius has had such a big contribution in all respects of Chinese Culture and also affects all Chinese people, so Confucius is the most important delegator in Chinese Culture. All of the above are the main reasons and motivation for us to celebrate Confucius’ birthday every year in order to advocate his philosophy and theory and to develop Chinese Culture in American society.


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