贊助助學金贈與家境清寒、勤學有恆、成績優良之學生, 以資鼓勵, 並藉以提高山東青年籍努力學習向上。
每年10 名左右
Dear Scholarship Applicant:
Thank you for your interest in our scholarship program. Please follow the steps outlined below in completing the application form on the back of this sheet.
To qualify as candidate you must meet all the following requirements:
- Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, residing in northern California. 美國公民或永久居民, 居住在北加州.
- Blood related to Shandong province. 限山東省藉.
- Must be a high school junior or senior at time of application. 高中11年級或12年級學生
- Complete all parts of the application. 填妥獎學金申請表
- Prepare and attach a biographical narrative. Please include your educational objectives, reasons you are applying for this award, and other relevant information about yourself. Points will be given for extracurricular activities, leadership skills, community service, achievements, work and/or volunteer experiences. The narrative should be limited to one typewritten pages. 自傳一份,包括申請此獎學金的目的,評分着重在課外活動,領導參與社區服經驗,工作經驗,以及其他成就。自傳以不超過兩頁為限。
Please submit the following:
- Completed application 申請
- Narrative referred to in item 5 above 自傳
- Latest transcript of high school grades 上學年高中成績單影印本
- Recommendation letters from one or two leaders of the organization(s) you served 推薦信二封;推薦信得由校外社區服務相關人士舉薦。
Application Deadline: Aug 30th, 2017.
The awards recipient will be formally recognized at the Confucius Memorial Ceremony on September 24, 2017.
得獎通知曰期: 2017年 9 月10日. 將在9月24日北加州祭孔大典中頒獎。
Any questions, please email: Subject: 2017 Scholarship Application
Albert Chang
Program Chair
Shandong Association Scholarship Program